How to Check the Validity of a Will
Without a valid will, a person’s estate passes to their surviving heirs under intestate succession (i.e., ‘succession without a will’).
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Without a valid will, a person’s estate passes to their surviving heirs under intestate succession (i.e., ‘succession without a will’).
For young professionals finding their way in the world and just beginning the journey of building wealth, death can seem like a far-off abstraction. However, the cold reality is that no one ever knows what’s around the corner — health problems and freak accidents can happen at virtually any time.
Whether you drew up a will recently or years ago, keep in mind it’s generally not something you can set and forget.
Part of being a responsible homeowner is having a proper estate plan in place. After all, considering the home is generally the largest asset most people own, it’s prudent to ensure this asset is passed to the people you wish to leave it to.
If you really want to help your heirs out, these are some of the best assets to leave them.
What happens when all of a corpse’s money is in his cold wallet?
If a loved one asks you to be the executor of their estate, think carefully before you take on this responsibility.
Although you may be excited about the prospect of receiving unexpected money, there are certain financial moves experts say you should make to make sure you’re prepared for that inheritance.
This is an important question to ask, because the answer could tell you whether you need to worry about estate taxes, beneficiary issues or probate concerns.
As 2021 draws to a close, many of us are reflecting on the various ways our minds and bodies have changed over the course of the past year. No matter your phase of life, aging is something we all experience daily.However, that doesn’t mean we’re powerless in the process.