What Does a Good Hospital Discharge Plan Look Like for My Dad?
Standing up to a health care professional can be daunting, especially if you’re worried about a premature discharge from a hospital.
Counsel & Advice From Top New Mexico Estate Planning & Elder Law Attorney
Standing up to a health care professional can be daunting, especially if you’re worried about a premature discharge from a hospital.
Knowing when to retire and when to begin claiming benefits comes down to understanding yourself — and your finances.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a middle class family raising a child to adulthood will spend over $233,000 on that child between the ages of 0 to 18. That doesn’t even factor in the cost of college education, which can be thousands of dollars more per year once a child reaches adulthood.
Many estate executors focus on estate taxes and forget about income taxes. That can be an expensive mistake.
In today’s digital era, the departed will be survived by their electronic footprints, such as iPhone photo albums, Spotify playlists—and cryptocurrency wallets.
My mother passed, and she was an administrator of my grandfather’s estate and the inheritances. The estate accumulated quite a bit of back taxes over the years. Will the IRS put a lien on that estate as well as hers to retrieve funds?
VA is poised to get its largest budget ever, but is it enough?
In estate planning, the use of trusts to manage the distribution of assets is becoming increasingly more common. However, for many people, the idea of setting up a trust during his or her lifetime is overwhelming and perhaps even unnecessary.
For couples who face depleting their own assets, using a Medicaid-compliant annuity could be a way to preserve assets and still qualify for Medicaid.
A competent elder law or estate attorney can discuss and use, where appropriate, such provisions as the family exemption, benefits to prepaying inheritance tax, even where the tax return is not yet complete and a listing of itemized deductions.