Why Your College Student Needs a Power of Attorney and HIPAA Authorization

Power of attorney and HIPAA Authorization for college students
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Ensure your college-bound child's safety and peace of mind with essential legal documents for college students. HIPAA waivers, powers of attorney, and other documents are indispensable.

Sending your child off to college is an exciting and sometimes overwhelming experience. It’s a time of transition, not just for them but for you as well. As they step into adulthood, they gain independence—but with that independence comes the need for careful planning. Without the proper legal documents in Truth or Consequences, you may find yourself unable to assist your child during critical moments especially if your college student plans to attend school outside of New Mexico.

Why College Students Need Legal Documents

When your child turns 18, they are legally considered an adult. This means you lose automatic access to their medical, financial, or academic information. In emergencies, this can create significant barriers to helping them. Here’s how a few key documents can protect your child and give you peace of mind. Read our article, Why Medical POAs Are Essential for Young Adult Travelers for more information.

1. HIPAA Authorization: Ensuring Access to Medical Information

A HIPAA Authorization allows your child to grant you access to their medical records. Without this form, healthcare providers in New Mexico cannot share your child’s medical information with you due to strict privacy laws. This document is crucial if your child experiences a medical emergency while away at college, ensuring you are kept informed and involved in their care.

2. Medical Power of Attorney: Making Health Decisions When It Counts

A Medical Power of Attorney (MPOA) lets your child designate someone (often a parent) to make medical decisions on their behalf if they are incapacitated. For instance, if your child is injured and unable to communicate, the MPOA allows you to step in and make necessary healthcare decisions. In the absence of this document, medical decisions might be left to distant relatives or even strangers, depending on state laws.

3. Durable Power of Attorney: Managing Financial Affairs

A Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) allows you to manage your child’s financial affairs if they cannot. This includes handling bank accounts, paying bills, and managing investments. This is particularly important for students studying out of state or abroad, where time zones and distance can complicate financial management.

4. FERPA Waiver: Access to Academic Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of student education records. Once your child turns 18, you no longer have automatic access to their academic information. A FERPA Waiver allows your child to give you access to their educational records, which can be critical if you need to help manage their educational path.

New Mexico’s Unique Legal Landscape

Each state has its own legal requirements for these documents, and New Mexico is no exception. If your child is attending college within New Mexico or out of state, it’s important to ensure that the legal documents comply with both New Mexico law and the laws of the state where they are studying. Consulting with a Truth or Consequences estate planning attorney can help you navigate these complexities and ensure that all documents are properly prepared and executed.

What Legal Documents Does My College Student Need While Studying Abroad?

If your child is studying abroad, a Durable Power of Attorney becomes even more essential. This document will allow you to manage their financial matters, including handling foreign bank accounts or dealing with legal issues that may arise overseas. Without it, you could face significant challenges in providing the support your child needs from afar.

Secure Your College Student’s Future Today

Don’t wait for an emergency to highlight the gaps in your planning. By preparing these essential legal documents, you can ensure your child’s safety and your peace of mind as they embark on their college journey.

At E-Law, we understand the unique needs of New Mexico families. Our experienced team is here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your legal documents are in order before your child leaves for college. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us help you protect your child’s future.

Key Takeaways for Truth or Consequences Residents:

  • HIPAA Authorization: Ensure you can access your child’s medical information in emergencies.
  • Medical Power of Attorney: Designate someone to make medical decisions for your child if they become incapacitated.
  • Durable Power of Attorney: Manage your child’s financial matters if they are unable to do so.
  • FERPA Waiver: Gain access to your child’s academic records.
  • State Compliance: Verify that documents meet New Mexico’s legal standards and those of any state where your child will study.
  • Peace of Mind: Having these documents in place ensures you can effectively support your child in any situation.

Don’t leave your child’s well-being to chance. Request a discovery call with E-Law today and take the first step in securing your family’s future.