How Do IRAs and 401(k)s Fit into Estate Planning?
Investing for retirement is one of the most important steps you can take toward building a secure financial future for you and your family. The sooner you can start, the better. Contributing to a retirement account can help you work toward your goals and may provide tax advantages to boost your progress.
What Exactly Is a Prenup?
Signing a prenup doesn’t indicate that you don’t have faith in your marriage, just like buying car insurance doesn’t mean you expect to get in a crash.
Does a Supplemental Needs Trust have an Impact on Government Benefits?
For disabled persons receiving financially based government benefits, supplemental needs trusts (‘SNTs’) can safeguard benefits and serve as an effective estate planning tool.
What Young Fathers Need to Know About Estate Planning and Protecting Growing Families
We celebrate Father’s Day in June, honoring dads who devote themselves to raising children and building families. To protect a family, create a legacy and prepare for the future, young fathers are wise to invest their time and attention in estate planning.
Caring for Your Aging Dad as You Approach Retirement
Caring for Your Aging Dad should be planned before it becomes an emergency. Talk with your father and find out what is important to him. Let him know that an estate plan will help the people he loves as well as protect him.
How Grandfathers and Senior Dads Leave a Legacy of Caring for Their Families
Legacy of Caring for Families
How Can I Help My Family After I Pass Away?
Estate planning is always a difficult subject to deal with, because who wants to arrange things for when they die?
Do I Need a Personal Representative Named in My Will?
When you draft your will, you should name an executor.
Can I Make Decisions for My 18-Year-Old ‘Kid’ If She Becomes Incapacitated?
Incapacity can occur because of illness or an accident. It can be temporary or permanent. That’s why every adult needs a power of attorney in place, once they turn eighteen.